Friday, July 30, 2010

Models across USA needed... If you have a belly with a baby in it, please apply!!

Exiciting new Maternity Line needs Pregnant Models for various reasons.

Sacramento, CA, ASAP

Arcata,CA, ASAP

Murfeesboro, Nashville, TN, ASAP

Tampa, FL, ASAP

Las Vegas, NV, October 10th, 11th, 12th

Please submit photos to Please disclose any tearsheets and a current photo. We are happy to except new talent without previous exp. Fee can be discussed, all sizes of women and bellies are encouraged to apply.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

So, this is why not every person owns their own biz, it is HARD!!!

Ugh!  I know this may not be an appropriate way to start a blog entry, but this is exactly how I feel.  It is becoming a vicious cycle.  I forget to eat all day so I end up pigging out at 10pm when I finally feel faint.  I mean to go to sleep at 11pm, I lay down, get an idea, get back up and voila it is 3am.  I swear I need to get my crap together!  My mother keeps loving giving me advice to go to sleep when the kids go to bed and just wake up early and get my work done before they wake.  Any of you fellow momopreneurs do this?  That is the other thing, twitter and FB, and even this blog.  I know I only have 9 people that follow me on here, not really sure why I am writing this except for the fact that it ends up feeling like free therapy.  This is hard, like your first baby kind of hard, the constant "are you still alive because you are so precious to me" feeling, which would make sense to you if you were like me and checked to see if my first son was breathing about every 10 minutes of his first month of life.  Something new seems to happen every hour with this company, so I am constantly checking its pulse- twitter, fb, emails, and voice mails.
So anyways, this is all very exciting but very scary.  I have met some amazing women along the way that have helped me beyond belief.  Sometimes I need a person that does not know me to tell me I am not a nut for doing this. But, of course they all have the same response, that this is going to be huge.  This I think scares me more than them saying that I am a complete moron for wasting our hard earned savings on this idea.  Why do I have such a fear of success right now.  I mean, I want it, I would not be trying to accomplish these goals if I did not.  But, I just wish I could flash forward to the second that I am either accepted or rejected by a person that actually would be in the position to buy my products. 
Every decision is huge right now.  We are designing and creating everything these next couple of weeks.  Hopefully, our material will get final approval this week and we will write that gut wrenching check, but at least get started in production.  By the way, the most frustrating part of this entire process, material.  So then, the next week, I think I may take a stroll up to Arcata- another 6 hours, was thinking Friday, I will then finalize and approve all 7 of our garments.  Still have woven logo tags, care labels, hang tags, promo, our exclusive pure butter, and so much more to approve and yuck, pay for!  So thank you nine people that may or may not read this, I guess I should apologize instead of thank you. 
Personal notes:  Todd is getting his cast off on Wed. July 28!!  Whoot whoot!!  We will be back in business with water!  This poor kid just wants a darn bath so bad.  I can not imagine!  He has been a trooper.  And, Mr. Brett, he lost that front tooth that he broke when he was 2, it was black and I always hoped that would be the first to go, yipee.  He has a bottom tooth that is loose now.  We tried to use an episode of America's Funniest Home Videos in our favor, a kid that is whaling that it hurts, then the Dad yanks on the string and he says "dat didn't even hurt", yeah Brett was not having it, said he rather go to the Dentist.  Oh well, it will fall out sometime, I see a lot of apples in his future.  The twins are great, Alex can make it to the top of the stairs with me-- Yes, I am careful, just heard a cyber gasp from my mother!  Aubrey is kinda mean actually, she beats us up big time, and scratches, growls too.  So much for my sweet little princess.
Ok- back to work, feel better since I ended my therapy with talking about my kiddos, maybe I should go to bed.  Oh, wait it is 10pm, guess what I forgot to do!? 

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hello, Storm....

Well, my last blog post was about the calm before the storm, I think we are seeing the clouds forming in the sky.  Good thing I actually love storms, the smell of the air, the feel of electricity in the air, I find it all very exciting.  We have have decided to add to our line up to have a more complete presentation to potential buyers.  Every decision that I make right now is huge.  We are trying to build a brand that is instantly recognized as a quality and luxurious product, while having a strong focus on customer service. 
Our customers are going to be our life blood.  I want to include our customers in the development of our business as much as possible.  With this very thought in mind, I have decided to put together a sort of grant system.  A place on our website that customers may nominate a charity, program, or an actual person in a conflicting situation.  Coming from the position of having two boys and then being surprised with twins the week my husband was laid off, I have and will always have a soft spot to the arrival of a blessing in the not easiest of times.  So, we want our customers to have a place to share these hardships and apply for a grant from PureBelly that will come out of a predetermined and constant percentage amount for our choice of charitable cause or causes.  The amount and frequency of these donations will be determined with our profits, the more we sell the more we can give!!  I think I am most excited about the giving part, tidings.  I want this company to be HUMAN, I think that is one thing that so many companies overlook, having a human side.  Being a company created by a bunch of women, think this is inevitable. 
So looking forward through the dark clouds, I see the light and can't wait to share it with you all!!  We are still hoping that our site and product launch will be in August some time... cross your fingers, toes, and say a prayer!! Thank you all for the amazing support, we appreciate everything that comes our way more than you will ever know!! 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I think we can, I think we can...

Well, it feels like the calm before the storm.  Storm of things to get accomplished.  Next week we will be about completing some legal issues, which means piles of paperwork, not my strong suit.  But, also get to complete a ton of creative things.  Also, patience has never been a virtrue of mine, feels like this is taking forever, just began process in Febuary, so I guess not.  My product developer keeps telling me that these things take time, average company takes 18 months to 2 years to get up and running with a line.  Now way, i would go nuts!  Hope to approve our material on thursday and be in full blown production in a month.  Hoping to give out samples to doulas and ob patients soon, feedback is a must!!  Want to get this right the first time!!